Lecturers / thematic foci
The congress is divided in plenary lectures, section lectures and
workshops. The planary lectures focus on general aspects of the
congress´s theme. The section lectures will be about spezial
aspects of different forms of ecstatic states, their embedding into
the human psychophysiology and the cultural traditions, their significance
for mental health and psychotherapeutic processing.
All english plenary lectures will be translated simultaneously.
Plenary lectures by
Charles T. Tart
Professor of psychology, Institute for Transpersonal Psychology,
Palo Alto, USA
Christian Scharfetter
Professor of Psychiatry, Psychiatric University Clinic, Zürich,
Andrzej Kokoszka
Professor for States of Consciousness, University of Warschau, Poland
Thomas Metzinger
Professor of Philosophy, Johann-Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany
Stanley Krippner
Professor of Transpersonal Psychology, Saybrook Institute, San Francisco,
Hinderk M. Emrich
Professor of Psychiatry, Hannover Medical School, Germany
Ralph Metzner
Professor of Psychology, California Institute for Integral Studies,
San Francisco, USA
Eugene Taylor
Saybrook Graduate School, USA
Torsten Passie
Assistant Professor for Consciousness Studies, Hannover Medical
School, Germany
David Lukoff
Professor of Transpersonal Psychology, Saybrook Institute, San Francisco,
Michael Winkelman
Professor of Cultural Anthropology, Arizona State University, Tempe,
Parallel scientific sessions:
S 1 Psychophysiology of ecstatic
S 2 Aspects of ekstatic and mystical
S 3 Ecstatic experiences in religious
S 4 Near-Death-Eyperiences /
Out-of Body Experiences
S 5 Ecstatic states in psychotherapy
and their relevance for mental health
S 6 Ecstasy in ethnography and
cultural anthropology
Congress fees:
280 € / 180€ (reduced price for students and unemployed persons)
Early bookers (until 15th of March 2008):
240 € / 150€ (reduced price for students and unemployed persons)
Registration formular >>
Further information:
http://www.dktp.org/ |